I will demonstrate srcpkgs using a dummy collection of source packages: https://github.com/kforner/srcpkgs_lotr_demo
It consists currently in 11 related packages, with a tree structure:
N.B: lotr
depends on all other packages, except for
(not yet).
The dependencies are implemented by a mix of Imports, Imports with namespace imports and Depends.
pkgs <- c('bilbo', 'frodo', 'hobbits', 'legolas', 'galadriel', 'elves', 'gimli', 'aragorn', 'gandalf', 'lotr')
is designed to manage a single source package.
Let’s use it to load our lotr
source package:
## ℹ Loading lotr
## Error in `load_depends()`:
## ! The package "hobbits" is required.
–> devtools can NOT load lotr
since it can not
possibly find the hobbits
package, which is a
Let’s help him:
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## Error in `load_depends()`:
## ! The package "bilbo" is required.
–> same problem
Here is how we must load the packages, following the dependencies
order. Note that we also need to roxygenize them (using
and finally we can load it
## ℹ Updating lotr documentation
## Setting `RoxygenNote` to "7.3.2"
## ℹ Loading lotr
## Writing 'NAMESPACE'
## Writing 'lotr.Rd'
## ℹ Loading lotr
## List of 5
## $ hobbits:List of 2
## ..$ frodo:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Frodo"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Baggins"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr [1:2] "sting" "barrow-blade"
## .. ..$ race : chr "hobbit"
## ..$ bilbo:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Bilbo"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Baggins"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "sting"
## .. ..$ race : chr "hobbit"
## $ elves :List of 2
## ..$ galadriel:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Galadriel"
## .. ..$ last : chr NA
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "nenya"
## .. ..$ race : chr "elf"
## ..$ legolas :List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Legolas"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Greenleaf"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "nebownya"
## .. ..$ race : chr "elf"
## $ dwarves:List of 1
## ..$ gimli:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Gimli"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Durin"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "axe"
## .. ..$ race : chr "dwarf"
## $ humans :List of 1
## ..$ aragorn:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Aragorn"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Strider"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "anduril"
## .. ..$ race : chr "human"
## $ ainur :List of 1
## ..$ gandalf:List of 4
## .. ..$ first : chr "Gandalf"
## .. ..$ last : chr "Mithrandir"
## .. ..$ weapons: chr "glamdring"
## .. ..$ race : chr "ainur"
Let’s modify one of the direct dependency of lotr
e.g. the hobbits
package. Currently:
## [1] "frodo" "bilbo"
## #' list the available hobbits
## #' @return hobbit names as character
## #' @export
## hobbits <- function() {
## res <- list()
## # N.B: easier to edit programmatically in the vignette this way
## res$frodo <- frodo::frodo() # in imports
## res$bilbo <- bilbo()
## res
## }
Edit hobbits/R/main.R
and comment out bilbo, which comes
from the bilbo
package in Depends.
edited_lines <- grep('bilbo', lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
writeLines(edited_lines, 'hobbits/R/main.R')
Let’s try to apply our changes:
## ℹ Loading lotr
## [1] "frodo" "bilbo"
–> load_all()
can not properly reload our package,
since it does not know that a dependency has been modified.
To apply the changes:
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## [1] "frodo"
–> now it works. Note that this is because load_all()
is now able to force the unload of a package even though it is needed by
another package:
## Error: package 'hobbits' is required by 'lotr' so will not be detached
Note that now lotr
is broken:
## Error in hobbits(): could not find function "hobbits"
Let’s fix it
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## [1] "hobbits" "elves" "dwarves" "humans" "ainur"
## hacked R loaders (cf srcpkgs::hack_r_loaders()).
## package version path imports depends suggests
## aragorn aragorn 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/aragorn
## bilbo bilbo 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/bilbo
## elrond elrond 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/elrond
## elves elves 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/elves galadriel,\nlegolas
## frodo frodo 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/frodo
## galadriel galadriel 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/galadriel
## gandalf gandalf 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/gandalf
## gimli gimli 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/gimli
## hobbits hobbits 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/hobbits frodo bilbo
## legolas legolas 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/legolas
## lotr lotr 0.1 /tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/lotr elves,gimli,aragorn,gandalf hobbits
the srcpkgs::pkg_unload()
takes into account the
dependencies between the source packages.
## executing unload on lotr
## executing unload on hobbits
## executing unload on bilbo
## package action
## 1 lotr unload
## 2 hobbits unload
## 3 bilbo unload
unload all our packages to start from a clean state. We will also
## executing unload on aragorn
## executing unload on elves
## executing unload on frodo
## executing unload on galadriel
## executing unload on gandalf
## executing unload on gimli
## executing unload on legolas
takes care of everything: it
roxygenizes the packages if needed, and load them in the appropriate
## executing load on aragorn
## ℹ Updating aragorn documentation
## ℹ Loading aragorn
## ℹ Loading aragorn
## executing load on bilbo
## ℹ Updating bilbo documentation
## ℹ Loading bilbo
## ℹ Loading bilbo
## executing load on frodo
## ℹ Updating frodo documentation
## ℹ Loading frodo
## ℹ Loading frodo
## executing load on galadriel
## ℹ Updating galadriel documentation
## ℹ Loading galadriel
## ℹ Loading galadriel
## executing load on gandalf
## ℹ Updating gandalf documentation
## ℹ Loading gandalf
## ℹ Loading gandalf
## executing load on gimli
## ℹ Updating gimli documentation
## ℹ Loading gimli
## ℹ Loading gimli
## executing load on legolas
## ℹ Updating legolas documentation
## ℹ Loading legolas
## ℹ Loading legolas
## executing load on elves
## ℹ Updating elves documentation
## ℹ Loading elves
## ℹ Loading elves
## executing load on hobbits
## ℹ Updating hobbits documentation
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## executing load on lotr
## ℹ Updating lotr documentation
## ℹ Loading lotr
## ℹ Loading lotr
## package action params
## 1 aragorn load TRUE
## 2 bilbo load TRUE, TRUE
## 3 frodo load TRUE
## 4 galadriel load TRUE
## 5 gandalf load TRUE
## 6 gimli load TRUE
## 7 legolas load TRUE
## 8 elves load TRUE
## 9 hobbits load TRUE, TRUE
## 10 lotr load TRUE, TRUE
## [1] "hobbits" "elves" "dwarves" "humans" "ainur"
Let’s edit the frodo
package, and change the weapon from
to sword
## $first
## [1] "Frodo"
## $last
## [1] "Baggins"
## $weapons
## [1] "sting" "barrow-blade"
## $race
## [1] "hobbit"
## #' provides frodo
## #' @return as a list
## #' @export
## frodo <- function() {
## list(
## first = 'Frodo',
## last = 'Baggins',
## weapons = c('sting', 'barrow-blade'),
## race = 'hobbit'
## )
## }
Now let’s ask srcpkgs
to make sure the lotr
package is up-to-date:
## package '/tmp/RtmpV5hcuU/file119539880826/srcpkgs_lotr_demo/frodo' has changed: 'R/main.R' was "modified"
## executing unload on lotr
## executing unload on hobbits
## executing unload on frodo
## executing load on frodo
## ℹ Updating frodo documentation
## ℹ Loading frodo
## ℹ Loading frodo
## executing load on hobbits
## ℹ Loading hobbits
## executing load on lotr
## ℹ Loading lotr
## package action params
## 1 lotr unload NULL
## 2 hobbits unload NULL
## 3 frodo unload NULL
## 4 frodo load TRUE
## 5 hobbits load TRUE
## 6 lotr load TRUE
–> It figured out that frodo
was modified, and needed
to be reloaded, and for that all its dependents needed to be also
properly unloaded and re-loaded.
## [1] "sword" "barrow-blade"